Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Clinic.
Dive into the holistic & alternative healing at Mallow Street
biological clock in traditional Chinese medicine indicates the most
active meridian during a specific period,
which is 12 periods and corresponds to the 12 main meridians of our body. Acupuncture balances these meridians, so this clock is also used to know what time is better to balance which organ.
These 12 meridians are classified as Yin (Female) & Yang (Male).
The Yin meridians are Lung, Pericardium, Heart, Liver, Bay, and Kidney.
The Yang meridians are the Stomach, Gall Bladder, Bladder, Large Intestine, Small Intestine, and triple burner
The imbalance in one meridian can cause an imbalance in another meridian. Below we will detail the time zone of each meridian and some recommendations.
According to Chinese medicine, from 01:00 to 3:00 in the morning corresponds to the meridian of the liver. The important function of the liver is to remove toxins and create new blood. If you wake up during this time, the meridian in disharmony is the liver, which usually the person will
have stress or get angry easily. Also, in Chinese medicine, it is said that the liver is in charge of the
correct functioning of sinews; in terms of Est medicine, that means the ligaments and tendons. It is
recommended to detox from alcohol, spicy food, etc
From 3:00 in the morning to 5:00, there is the lung meridian; if you wake up during this time, it could be great sadness or grief;
breathing deeply to oxygenate the body is recommended.
This meridian is considered the beginning of Qi since when breathing oxygenates the body, creating the energy that will travel in our bodies; it is worth mentioning that the lung meridian imbalance is also attributed to when our skin is not healthy.
5:00 in the morning to 7:00, the active meridian is the Large Intestine, whose function is elimination and evacuation.
Here it is recommended to drink water to detoxify and be able to evacuate quickly; sadness also affects the large intestine.
The active meridian is the
stomach from 7:00 to 9:00 in the morning.
This period is essential because the body takes the nutrients for functioning,
which is why a good breakfast is necessary. Also, the unprocessed emotions (worry)
are attributed to the fact that this meridian is not balanced along with the spleen meridian.
9:00 to 11:00, it is the spleen meridian, as mentioned above, is also affected by worry; this meridian has the task of transforming nutrients into the blood to
nourish the organs and muscles; therefore,
Chinese medicine recommends that it be in this period when physical activity is performed.
From 11:00 a.m. to 13:00 is the meridian of the heart; here,
a excess of joy or lack of joy is attributed to the imbalance of this meridian. It is recommended in this period to eat and, if possible, a nap.
From 13:00 to 15:00 corresponds to the meridian of the small intestine, just as
excess joy or sadness is not attributed only to an imbalance on the heart meridian it is also attributed to the small intestine meridian. Remember, our body is digesting the previous food, so it is recommended to finish our tasks and let our body digest it.
15:00 to 17:00 .corresponds to the bladder, which is credited with helping waste through the kidney. If unbalanced, there
is fear. It is recommended
to drink tea, to help the body eliminate waste.
From 17:00 to 19.00 It corresponds to the kidney meridian, which, as we mentioned before,
if there is fear, we must balance; this meridian is the one that helps us stay young since Chinese medicine attributes the
correct functioning of the bones to this meridian.
At this time, walking, stretching, and doing yoga or meditation are recommended.
19:00 to 21:00 is the meridian of the pericardium meridian, and it is time for nutrients to reach our cells; it also has a vital role in reproduction It is responsible for good sexual secretions; remember that the pericardium protects the heart, and as a good protector, it will give the yes or no for the next step.
During this time, social activities are recommended.
21:00 p.m. to 23:00 p.m., the triple burner meridian, whose functions are multiple, from oxygenation, circulation, and energy assimilation, controls our fight, flight, or freeze response.
It is recommended to hydrate and relax our body, preparing to go to sleep
From 23:00 to 01:00 a.m. is the gallbladder meridian, whose function is to secrete bile; like the liver, anger represents the imbalance
of this meridian.It .also helps the function of decision making.
It is a significant time to be asleep since it is when our body regenerates itself; .
Detox is also recommended here. Here is recommended good sleep to restore our body.
If you see that any of these meridians are affected, I recommend balancing them with acupuncture.
Please feel free to call us for an appointment.
18 Mallow St, Limerick, V94 N12Y
Tel. 8383667936
Just before the People's Park, and a building before the Wine Buff shop.
Parking at 4 min. APCOA Parking Ireland Limited
Colbert Train Station (Limerick) Parnell Street
Leslie Salazar Acupuncturist (Dip.Ac, ACI)
& Homeopath (Lic ,ISH).
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