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Acupuncture as an aid in migraines

Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Medicine Clinic Limerick | Blog • 29 June 2023

Migraine relief with acupuncture

Migraine it is a severe headache, throbbing or pulsing sensation. It is usually just a part of the head, and in most, it occurs along with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sounds.

Before the migraine occurs, many people have a signal, which we can call an aura, which could be problems with vision, such as lights or tingling on the side of the head.

A migraine attack can last anywhere from 6 to 72 hours, and it could be occasionally or several times a month, depending on the person.

The cause of migraines is unknown, but there are factors that can trigger it, such as stress, wine consumption, hormonal changes in women, and sleeping disturbances.

Migraine can be treated with medication, which helps make the pain less intense. A change in lifestyle and help with alternatives such as acupuncture.

Acupuncture, in case the cause is stress, in addition to reducing migraine pain, it will
relax the person or help them sleep better if the problem is due to sleep disturbance.

If you suffer from migraines, I invite you to try acupuncture, you can attend acupuncture sessions as a preventative to avoid getting them, or if you have had an attack, acupuncture at that time may reduce the pain.

When going to the emergency room, if a blow has caused a headache, or there is confusion, double vision, weakness and numbness, it could be a stroke, and the most appropriate thing to do is go to the emergency doctor.

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