Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Clinic.

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Acupuncture helps to have a better sleep.

Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Medicine Clinic Limerick | Blog • 17 October 2023

Difficult to sleep or Insomnia? Acupuncture may help

Not everybody has the same problems when going to sleep.

There are some people who, to sleep, need to use earplugs and sleep masks, and with every minimum noise or light, they will wake up.

It will be difficult for other people to fall asleep; they may need an hour, or if they wake up, it will be challenging to sleep back again.

Other people will have nightmares, and they could be tossing and turning all the night, so they cannot sleep or they have a poor, unrefreshed sleep.

Other people will suffer from hot flashes, that keep them awake.

Those are the most common patterns; however, everyone may experience different issues falling asleep and waking up refreshed. Waking up unrefreshed for long periods may lead to other health issues like mood swings or difficulty concentrating, etc.

Good sleep is really important for all general well-being. So if you have insomnia or some issues, having a good sleep, acupuncture may help to better sleep and weak refresh.

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