Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Clinic.
Dive into the holistic & alternative healing at Mallow Street
There are a few things that, when speaking about fertility, could be an obstacle to getting pregnant. For example, from mental health like depression and stress to women’s health issues like endometriosis, ovarian polycystic syndrome or problems with the thyroid to infections like occurrent UTIs and excess of candida. In men in addition to those mentioned above, such depression, stress, thyroid issues could also be health issues like varicocele, cystocele, etc
Acupuncture can help improve your mental health and treat conditions in women and men, such as endometriosis and varicocele, etc.
It is essential to know that some lifestyle changes, like diet, are needed. Diet is really important in fertility, as well as avoiding endocrine disruptors or, in other words, chemical substances that are capable of imitating the action of our natural hormones. ( More information abuot products to avoid on the following link (
In addition to acupuncture, Chinese herbs or Homeopathy are recommended for boosting fertility.
18 Mallow St, Limerick, V94 N12Y
Tel. 8383667936
Just before the People's Park, and a building before the Wine Buff shop.
Parking at 4 min. APCOA Parking Ireland Limited
Colbert Train Station (Limerick) Parnell Street
Leslie Salazar Acupuncturist (Dip.Ac, ACI)
& Homeopath (Lic ,ISH).
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This clinic is approved by VHI, Laya Healthcare, Irish Life Health, HSF and other insurance companies.
Please refer to your policy for entitlements and terms and conditions.