Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Clinic.

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Homeopathy - how it works and what to expect.

Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Medicine Clinic Limerick • 2 July 2021

Homeopathy - How it works and What to expect.

If the current rhythm of life has led you to get sick either from a cyst, infertility, depression, or an autoimmune disease, and you think that no one can help you. You are wrong; since 1976, Samuel Hahnemann a -German doctor, understood that diseases are cured in another way. He called it "the principle of similarity", which means the remedy should have equal energy to the illness.

Homeopathic remedies come from the mineral, plant, or animal kingdom. They are first tested on healthy people (drug testing) to be seen precisely and clearly how and what this medicinal substance can heal. What effects a particular substance has on the human organism to get the similarity remedy matching the illness

What your homeopath will expect from you.

If you have an illness, you need to observe your body before going to see a homeopath.. For example, if you have pain on knew, and that pain is only when you are resting. Or if you suffer from migraines, and you notice that it comes after a special meal etc.

Be aware that you have to be open to speaking about feelings, moods, for example, if you are angry with a boss, ex-boyfriend, or if you feel indignation because they did not give you the promotion, or if you are sad because somebody passed away, etc.

What are things you enjoy, for example, dancing, cleaning the house, walking by at sea, collecting old items?

What are things you do not tolerate, for example: See the room untidy, somebody criticizes you, etc

What are your cravings: bread, chocolates, bitter food, etc

What food your body does not tolerate as example, eggs, eggplant etc.

What makes you feel better, for example: if walking in the open air or sleeping over the affected area, or the hot or cold weather. etc

How it works and What to expect

And now you are asking yourself why the homeopath needs to know my feelings and my craving for pain. Well, it is only knee pain - it is more important than you can describe how you feel better or worst, but it is a migraine, depression, etc., every single detail is essential. The reason is that the homeopath has to choose from thousands of remedies, the remedy with similar energy - symptoms that you have. 

 It's important to know that it could be that you feel worst a few hours / one day after taking the first remedy, however in Homeopathy after the aggravation comes to the cure. However, the aggravation is not always present.

After taking the homeopathic remedy, there is a waiting period to see how the remedy had to helps your immune system. During the follow-up consultation, generally after 5- 6 weeks, you should report what has been changed physically or mentally to your homeopath.

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