Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Clinic.

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Cystic fibrosis

Acupuncture and Homeopath Holistic Clinic • 27 July 2021

Acupuncture treatment for Cystic fibrosis

 Cystic fibrosis is a disease, due to a mutation of the CFTR gene,  if this gene work corrects the mucus, sweat, and digestive juices., which are light and slippery.  due to the mutation of this gene, the mucus will be thick and sticky. The mucus could clog the lungs, making it difficult to breathe, and creating a medium for the growth of bacteria, which can lead to frequent lung infections.

Its manifestation can vary, some people have systemic fibrosis from birth, others can present it in adolescence or adulthood. Some people will have mild symptoms than other people, as Cystic fibrosis could affect the lungs, paranasal sinuses, pancreas, liver, intestines, sexual organs.

To detect it, your doctor should test genes, blood, sweat. In recent years, mortality due to systemic fibrosis has decreased, since, with the help of physical therapy for the chest, nutritional therapy,  and acupuncture, people could have a better quality of life.

 Yes, as you have read, acupuncture can help the person with cystic fibrosis better, since, with specific points, that acupuncture could stimulate our body for better breathing and to decrease the sticky mucus.
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