If you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, acupuncture is for you, as the pain will relief and the quality of life will improve.
Depending on your symptoms, your acupuncturist will choose the points, it could be that the pain moves, or is fixed, if inflammation feels better with heat, or on the other hand, it is inflamed and improves with the cold.
Depending on it, your acupuncturist, in addition to local points, in the knee, your hips, the wrist, etc., will add other points, so that the treatment is more effective. Sometimes it may be necessary to use moxa, to give heat to these parts of the body.
It is known that rheumatoid arthritis- an autoimmune disease, is higher among women than in men, also that it occurs more frequently in the wrists and fingers.
The photo shows some points that your acupuncturist will use if there is arthritis in the fingers, of course, will be adding other points so that your treatment is complete. At these points, you can also massage yourself, use your index finger, gentle press for one minute each point, just take into consideration the acupuncture treatment is deeper, therefore, more effective, nevertheless, with the massage, you will notice the difference.
What are you waiting for, try it, you do not lose anything, on the other hand, you will see that your quality of life improves?
Also we recommend drink ginger tea, as ginger is well known as a really good anti-inflammatory,.boil a glass of water with 2 -3 slices of ginger, try to drink one glass per day, .