Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Clinic.

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Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Medicine Clinic Limerick • 19 August 2021

Fatigue, do no wait until is Chronic.

Today, one of the symptoms that society is suffering from this pandemic is fatigue; for some reason, it is one of the biggest post-symptoms that people are presenting, and it does not go away so easily.

Fatigue is an extreme lack of exhaustion, and often people say they are exhausted, even when they sleep enough.  Chronic fatigue could be due to various causes, stress, worry, lack of physical activity, or after suffering from a viral infection; sometimes, the symptoms are similar to other diseases such as depression, Lyme disease, mononucleosis.

Symptoms may vary over time, but if you are tired and it's not relieved after sleeping and continues to reappear or becomes intense, for example, it is difficult to perform daily activities, worse after physical or mental exertion, problems with concentration and memory, it is necessary to seek help.

It can also help to include a daily routine of graduated physical exercise, and here it is recommended that you talk with your doctor to see what is appropriate in your case.

Stress management, a therapist can teach you some techniques for stress management.

To combat fatigue, alternative medicine is one option to bring back your vitality and energy again.

In acupuncture, there are certain points in the kidney meridian that help the vitality to be recovered. Chronic fatigue can also be treated with homeopathy,  the homeopath will add any other symptoms that are present to choose the perfect remedy.

if this pandemic has left either you or any family member with this symptom, remember alternative therapies can help you;
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