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Tissues salts -supplements during pregnancy

Acupuncture and Homeopathy Holistic Medicine Clinic Limerick | Blog • 14 January 2022

Minerals during pregnancy- as Tissue Salts

Tissue Salts for pregnancy

Tissue salts are part of the range of homeopathic remedies, specific minerals, and we also know that our body, to function correctly, needs essential minerals like calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, manganese, iron, iodine, fluorine, zinc, cobalt, and selenium.

The tissue salts are minerals made on the Hahnemann' style, or called succussion; in other words, giving your body tissue salts, the body will have minerals they need.

Minerals during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the baby is nourished by the mother; for that reason, the mother should have balanced nutrition, adding vitamins and minerals so that the mother,s body does not lack minerals.

That is why it is recommended to take tissue salts as food supplements; remember that the main thing is t have a balanced diet.

Below we list a recommendation for tissue salt during pregnancy.

Months 2&6

 Calc Flour

 Mag Phos

Ferr Phos

Months 3&7

Calc Flour

Mag Phos

Nat Mur

Months 4&8

Calc Flour

 Nat Mur


Months 5&9

Calc Flour

Ferr Phos


Calc Flourica tissue salt, the main use is a salt of connective tissue, bones, part of the skin, and blood vessels, we could say that it helps elasticity, so it is essential during pregnancy to help the skin.

Mag Phos tissue salt, we can say that it works as a pain killer to help against cramps; it will also help reinforce the right nerves and muscles function. It is worth mentioning that this is recommended to take with hot water.

Ferr Phos tissue salt, This iron phosphate salt helps against inflammation. Also, when there is a wound, it helps to make new blood, which is why it is recommended to prevent anemia during pregnancy.

Nat Mur tissue salt. or Sodium chloride, in other words, cooking salt, as we know Salts excess can do damage, but also if the body does not have enoght salt , will affects the organism,  Sodium chloride in the form of tissue salt helps the human body avoid the retention of fluids and helps to high blood pressure.

Silica tissue salt. This tissue salt is one of the main ones to have healthy skin, hair, and nails; during pregnancy, it will help avoid hair and teeth loss.

You can buy tissue salts in any health store; remember that if you suffer from diseases such as hypertension, anemia, you should consult your doctor- GP, since as mentioned, these are supplements.

If you have doubts about how tissue salts , Call us.

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