Acupuncture | Limerick

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Tui Na Massage

Tui Na massage

This massage technique is a part of traditional Chinese medicine to clear blockages and stagnation of the meridians to heal Pain and Injuries

Tui – means push blood and Qi; this stimulates the lymphatic system to reduce swelling.

Na means grabbing; this is grabbing the muscles or joins to apply manipulation.

With the Tuina Massage technique, the acupuncturist will use not only the hands, also fists, elbows, and forearms to give the massage.


Please be aware that tuina massage should not be applied to pregnant women, those with osteoporosis, or those with lymphatic issues. If one of those conditions applies to you, please let me know.

Musculoskeletal Tui Na Massage Benefits

Strained muscles are easily treated with acupuncture followed by Tui Na massage.

  • Relax the stiff muscles
  • Improve muscle tone
  • It helps the muscle to contract properly
  • Relieves muscle cramps by removing uric acid.
  • It helps to break down scar or adipose tissue.

Tuina is recommended for

  • Neck pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Back pain,
  • Sciatica
  • Legs Cramps

Physical excersie may help to build up the muscle if need it.


Tui Na  10 mins + acupuncture 40 min= €60

By appointment only

Schedule an Appointment


For Tui Na Massage I use a special oil with Ruta and Rhus Tox to help the healing of damaged muscles, tendons, and ligaments. After the treatment is recommended to drink water.


This is the personal website of Leslie Salazar. The material, content is for informative purposes only. The information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment. Never delay or disagree with medical advice, because of the content of this website.

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